Czech & Slovak Women



Jana (40 years) - Czech republic

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name: Jana
year of birth: 1985
zodiac: Aquarius
eyes: Brown
hair: Dark brown
height: 165
lang`s: English
occupation: administration
interests: Music, Film, Party with friends, Sport, Animals, Nature, Reading, Theater, Travel, Romantic dinners, Languages, Horseback riding, Meeting friends, Culture, Aerobic, Swimming, Ski, Tennis, Fitness
about me: I am a sociable, outgoing woman who has many interests. These include primarily, riding, tennis, golf, nature, swimming and reading. I love to laugh and enjoy the company of others and I dont want to be alone. I have a good idea of the future I want but at the same time I do enjoy to be surprised by fate at times. Ich mag die Geselschaft und meine Freunde.Ich mag Golf,Rad fahren,Reiten,andere Sporte.Ich mag zu frieden sein und mochte immer im Kontakt mit den Leuten sein.Ich will nicht allein sein.In der Zukunft mochte ich mein Leben geniessen.

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